Our Process

Determining your business's value

A quality business valuation requires a complete understanding of the past, present, and future prospects of the business enterprise. Each valuation has its own nuances, but our process typically consists of the following:

  • Preliminary meeting to gain a complete understanding of the objectives and purpose of the business valuation engagement. We will provide an oral fee estimate for our valuation services at this time.
  • Mutual commitment – upon mutual agreement, we will provide an engagement letter outlining the scope of our services, fee estimate, etc.
  • Initial management interview to obtain an understanding of the business’ history and operations.
  • Gathering of financial data in the form of historical financial statements, supporting data and tax returns.
  • National, regional, and industry economic analysis.
  • Financial analysis of the subject business.
  • Additional management interview to discuss questions that arise during the economic and financial analysis phases of the valuation.
  • Valuation analysis using various valuation approaches.
  • Valuation report in which we articulate our valuation conclusion.
  • Management review of the draft report.
  • Exit meeting with company management or end users in which we answer any questions or concerns before finalizing the valuation report.

We provide assistance and guidance at each step. Contact us today for your free initial consultation.

Guiding Business Owners

WS teams’ knowledge and experience in business valuations, retirement, financial planning and more helps businesses position themselves for maximum value and profit.

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